
Organic, organic and ecological cookies and cupcakes

Galletas y magdalenas biodarma orgánicas, bio y ecológicas

The products manufactured by biodarma have always been distinguished for their quality. Both our cookies and cupcakes are made of organic and 100% organic and 100% integralAnd how do you get that delicious flavor? By always following traditional recipes. In addition, the raw materials we use are of the highest quality. certified organic origin. Because organic agriculture is synonymous with sustainability. One of its main characteristics is the respect for the natural cycles of crops. It avoids the use of synthetic chemical products. At the same time, it ensures maximum respect for rural areas, favoring their development.

Regarding the nutritional aspect, products from organic farming are much more beneficial. We must bear in mind that food is one of the major sources of health. And the consumption of this type of products provides numerous properties and a higher nutritional value. Numerous studies demonstrate the power of organic agriculture in our diet. Because it is free from industrial processes, it keeps all the natural nutrients intact. This means, for example, a increased absorption of calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and assimilable proteins. And all with an authentic artisanal flavor in every bite.

The consumption of this type of food, therefore, can help our body. While some foods promote heavy digestion, others can prevent anemia. Allergies, tiredness, depression or cardiovascular diseases are other symptoms that can be alleviated. Thus, when you buy biodarma you are choosing a different way of consuming, and also of living. One in which benefit you and the planet.

Recognitions that endorse biodarma's food quality

Throughout all these years, biodarma has been accumulating seals, awards and recognitions that endorse its quality. Thus, all of our packaging bears the seal of the Organic Agriculture Committee. An endorsement that guarantees that the products meet the same criteria and controls of the European Union. Specifically, the standards of Regulation (EEC) 834/2007. This means that our foods are of the highest nutritional, sanitary and organoleptic quality.. In addition to being environmentally sustainable and economically profitable.

Another of the logos that can be seen is that of the '.Euroleaf', which is mandatory in all products manufactured in the European Union. Its image, recognized by a large part of the European public, serves to identify products that meet the requirements of the sector.

Our cookies and muffins are also labeled with the '.V-Label'. Internationally recognized symbol for vegan and vegetarian products. It is undoubtedly one of the most reliable references to help consumers in their purchase. Biodarma's commitment to transparency and clarity in labeling.

In terms of recognitions, biodarma was awarded in 2018 with the. Food Quality Award. An award received in the IV Edition of the Mediterráneo Excelente Awards. Already in 2010 it won the First Prize for Healthy and Sustainable Food Initiative granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. A year earlier, in 2009, biodarma products were awarded the prize for the best Excellent Quality by DLG. German acronym for the well-known German Agricultural Society. An international non-profit organization founded in 1885 by Max Eyth with more than 23,000 members. Other institutions such as the Alicante Chamber of Commerce biodarma's work in the food sector has also been recognized. In 2006 we received the New Business Award for the best innovative project.

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