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How to organize a healthy picnic

Cómo organizar un pícnic saludable

In this article How to organize a healthy picnic let's give you some ideas for your celebrations.

It's that time of the year when being outdoors is almost a necessity. And even more so, after a hard winter. You feel like being in contact with the nature and, also, with those people who bring joy to your life. It is a good time to organize small gatherings at the beach, in the mountains or in the mountains. even on your terrace. But among all the possible options there is only one valid one, it has to be healthy.

Now that you know the importance of healthy eating, you have learned to listen to your body. That's why you know what suits it best.
And, in the International Year of Fruits and VegetablesWhat could be better than preparing delicious recipes with them?

It's time to take a look at the imagination. Amaze your friends or family with a themed picnic: fruit and vegetable salads, dishes full of flavor and color. Make salads with seasonal fruits. Imagine combining some chopped brevas with your favorite vegetables.

How to organize a healthy picnic with biodarma cookies.

And speaking of surprising combinations, try the following.
Grab a pair of our tomato and oregano crackers. Crumble them and sprinkle them on your salad. An ideal dressing.

And if you are more of a sweet tooth, prepare a tasting of seasonal fruit - watermelon, cherries, cherries, figs, apricots... - and add pieces of the cookies. biodarma 'Delizias orange, turmeric and ginger. This combination of flavors and textures will give an extra touch and will turn your biodarma salads in the season's favorites.

The biodarma cookies are the healthiest choice. They are made with organically grown ingredients. They are organic and eco, as well as totally suitable for vegans.

Don't you just love the idea of organizing your own healthy picnic?
If you dare, share your photos or videos in your networks, we will love to see your delicious picnics.


Cómo organizar un pícnic saludable

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