
Biodarma at Alimentaria 2012

Barcelona has hosted this week Alimentaria 2012, one of the most important food and beverage exhibitions in the world where the main international operators in the food industry, trade and distribution meet. The Alicante company Bio Darma has been present at this fair promoting its organic and handmade cookies and muffins.

Bio Darma, which is currently being distributed in the Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Kuwait and Portugal, has met with national and international customers at Alimentaria, making it an excellent meeting and establishing commercial contacts with potential customers, especially Asian ones.

Among the products that have attracted the most attention are carob cookies, relaunched this year with a new recipe that makes them even crunchier. "Carob consumption has evolved in recent years and, although some people still associate it with a secondary product of the rural environment, its value as a source of iron, calcium, vitamin A and soluble fiber is now recognized. In addition, its flavor is very pleasant, as many of those attending the fair who have been offered the product "blind" and have been very surprised by its taste, have been able to verify these days," explains Emilia García, manager and founder of Bio Darma.

Bio Darma has received several European awards, mainly from the German Agricultural Society (DLG). It has been the only Spanish confectionery company to win different Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals, for its seaweed crackers, tomato and oregano crackers and for its sweet oatmeal with almonds, oatmeal with chocolate and carob crackers. In addition, last May this company from Alicante was recognized by the Generalitat Valenciana with the First Prize in the Healthy and Sustainable Food Initiative category.